FitBiz360 ‘Pull Their Story Together’
Fitbiz360, a creation of Transformance Business Solutions Limited, is a
comprehensive, self-service, digital consulting improvement platform that
connects small business founders and teams with expertise, tools and
resources that will enable them to significantly improve financial performance. CEO & Founder, Michael Walters, had met with Bluebox Corporate Finance a few years earlier and was impressed by the advice offered then – which was completely free. This remained with Michael and when he heard of Velocity being a far more accessible entry point, it was a no brainer.
The Challenge
They had developed great software that had a lot of market potential but they needed a clear plan to move forward as they were unsure on how to get FitBiz360 to market properly. The team also needed to align their views in terms of what their target markets were and the channels they should be using in order to reach their
Why FitBiz360 Chose Velocity’s ‘Pull My Story Together‘
Velocity was chosen as FitBiz360 needed to build their proposition in a way that would drive value and make the business more investable. After looking through the various products on offer on the Velocity site, they felt it was obvious they needed to go through the ‘Pull My Story Together’ exercise as a first step. They also felt that the Velocity team put a lot of time into being patient with them and gently selling the process.
Our Approach
- Our corporate finance team had 3x ‘1-hour workshops’ with the FitBiz360 leadership team to truly get
under the skin of their business. - We produced a ‘Velocity Deck’ on the business, presenting the opportunity in the best possible way
to investors - We presented FitBiz360 with a Profit and Loss Forecast Model which was created from the Opportunity Map that we built for FitBiz360
- We presented FitBiz360 with an assessment of timing with concrete, commercial and realistic pointers
as to how best raise funds
- This process gave FitBiz360 a clear and consolidated path to present their business in such a way that would
generate more value. - After months of feeling like they were going sideways, they have now started to make progress. They are signing up more users with the plan to start converting them to monthly income.
- The workshops with Velocity were paramount as they allowed the FitBiz360 management team to become aligned on business goals as well as clearly demonstrated what steps needed to be taken to grow the business.
“The most insightful and intelligent team that I have ever had the pleasure of working with. I think the team also went above and beyond by organising a session that was outside the scope of the package.” – Michael Walters, CEO & Founder
If you would like to get your business to market or are interested in exploring your options, get in touch with us today –